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Journal articles and resources

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

Library of ACL resources and journal articles

Websites, blogs and forums are all useful sources of information about ACL injury, but when you're choosing between procedures, graft types, rehab protocols etc., sometimes you need a little more information to help make up your mind, or maybe you just want to do your own reading to understand more about what your doctor is suggesting.

The below are all journal articles I've found useful along the way, and I'll add more as I come across them. New studies are coming out all the time so I'll try to keep these up-to-date.


Knee Guru is also a bit of an information goldmine (if you can read between the anecdote/differences between protocols in different countries etc on the forums). The ACL board seems to be less active than it used to be (partly why I've started this blog) but it's well worth a visit.

2 Jan 19 UPDATE - the site has been redesigned and is now a lot easier to navigate with mainly professional advice rather than forum discussions. Also check out its YouTube Channel for videos and webinars on a wealth of knee-related topics. Great for information on your own knee issues as well as the wider subject area (for the chronically nosey among us!)

Similarly, new site Orthoracle is worth a visit. It's aimed at surgeons/medical professionals, with information on the latest surgical techniques, but is also interesting for anyone curious about how this stuff works.

Hamstring vs. patellar tendon

Anterolateral reconstruction (inc MacIntosh)

Posterior Tibial Slope

ACL deficiency issues

ACL injuries in women

ACL injuries in 'older' patients

Autograft vs. Allograft (including irradiated vs. fresh-frozen allograft)

Issues in revision ACL reconstruction

Treating chronic tibial instability


Monitoring knee condition

Motivation, inspiration, other people's experiences



Interesting commentary on over-training (I was training 20 hours a week as a 10 year old when I tore my ACL) and landing techniques to mitigate knee injury risks etc.

US-focussed series focuses on gymnastics but interesting discussions for all impacted by knee and joint injuries as well

Stem cell repair


The KNEEguru site has started producing a series of webinars with orthopaedic surgeons on a variety of issues knee-related. An interesting watch (even if not directly ACL related yet), particularly if you're a bit of a 'moth to the flame' with this stuff, like I am. Usually announced on their Facebook page and free to access.


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