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  • ejg054

Parallel come back trails

ACL is a pretty common injury, particularly in the sporting arena. I first heard the term when Gazza injured his knee back in the 1990s and we all know it pretty much meant the end of a sporting career back then.

Thankfully reconstruction techniques have improved massively since those days and both times I've gone through surgery, there have been professional footballers going through the same whose progress I've followed, not just with interest as a fan of their club, but as a gauge against which I could measure my own progress.

Are they still in the gym? Yes, I am too. Have they started running yet? Not quite here. Are they back in first team training? Well, not quite but I can run in a circle and I've had my heels on for a night out., etc.

First time round it was Zoltan Gera - a Hungarian midfielder who played for West Bromwich Albion and Fulham (among others). Zolly was, and always will be, one of my favourite Baggies players. A creative midfielder who could make defence-splitting passes, had an eye for goal and a penchant for celebrating those goals with a quick round-off tuck back somersault.

While I wasn't overly impressed we let Kevin Phillips go in 2008, I was more upset that we sold Zolly to Fulham and glad to see him 'come home' in 2011. Sadly for Zolly (and WBA), another ACL injury took him out for the season and, after a blazing return against Liverpool at the start of the 2012/13 season, the old injuries returned and he ultimately returned to Hungary to play out his career (not forgetting a cracking goal for Hungary at Euro 2016).

Last time around it was Northern Ireland international and West Brom stalwart, Chris 'wand of a left foot' Brunt, who had the misfortune to see his season ended thanks to the dreaded ACL tear, the weekend before I went in for revision surgery.

The timing was particularly cruel for Brunty as Northern Ireland had qualified for the European Championships for the first time and he was almost guaranteed a place in the team. The disappointment and upset he demonstrated was palpable to all in the ground on the day and I imagine having to watch his team mates make history in France without him was particularly hard to take.

Thankfully, while my own rehab faltered for various reasons (I'll cover more in another post), Brunty appears to have had a pretty smooth comeback (touch wood) and is now back in the team, reminding us how much we missed him while he was out.

Here's to more goals like this over the coming season (second goal in - I'm still trying to work out how Chadli missed in the build up!). Hopefully I'll be able to Boing Boing again soon!

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