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Glossary of ACL terms

Writing this blog is reminding me how much jargon there is when you get into 'the world of ACL'. Here's my guide to the words and phrases you're likely to come across and what they mean (in relation to ACL injury).

Anterior - front

Posterior - back

Lateral - outside

Medial - inside

Cruciate ligament - two ligaments in the middle of the knee, connecting the femur to the tibia

ACL - cruciate ligament that attaches to anterior part of the tibia

PCL - cruciate ligament that attaches to the posterior part of the tibia

LCL - lateral collateral ligament

MCL - media collateral ligament

Meniscus - crescent-shaped cartilage, found in the knee between the femur and tibia

Cartilage - resilient, smooth tissue that covers and protects the ends of long bones in the body

Articular cartilage - hyaline cartilage found on articular surface of bones (not the same as meniscus)

Autograft - tissue graft from donor's own body

Allograft - tissue graft from a donor body

Ipsilateral - on same side (usually referring to location of donor graft in relation to the injured knee)

Contralateral - on other side (usually referring to location of donor graft in relation to the injured knee)

Irradiated - treated with radiation to sterilise tissue

Non-irradiated - not treated with radiation to sterilise tissue

Arthroscopy - key hole surgery using an athroscope to examine the joints. Images are sent from the arthroscope to a video screen or an eyepiece so the surgeon is able to see inside the joint

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging

Quad set - probably the first set of exercises you'll come across during your rehab. Squeezing your quad muscles with your leg straight out in front of you. Deadly dull but sadly necessary.

help you build and maintain strength in the muscles on top of your thigh

Proprioception - sense of relative position of neighbouring parts of the body and strength of effort employed in movement

Laxity - looseness, in this case within the knee joint

Lachman - clinical test used to diagnose damage to the ACL

Pivot shift - clinical test used in diagnosis of injury to the ACL. This tests for instability of the joint.

Anterior draw - clinical test used to diagnose damage to the ACL


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