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  • ejg054

Being a boring Mum

One of the most frustrating aspects of being stuck with dodgy knees is the impact it has on the activities I can do with my little girl.

I was hoping that by having the revision surgery last year, while it would be awkward looking after a toddler, she wouldn't remember much about it and I could fill her head with memories of 'active mummy' as soon as I was fit again.

I've always wanted to be an active Mum. The kind who turns cartwheels WITH her kids rather than watching from the sidelines. One who swings upside down from branches WITH them, rather than hovering nervously while they explore their physical capabilities and develop their confidence.

We began to get a taste of this over Christmas when the knee felt up to swinging her around in circles (for laughs) and even joining in with jumping along the tumble track at gym class (the urge to join in there is always difficult to resist, particularly as my inner 10 year old still thinks I can do half the things I used to when, clearly, I can't!). It was great. And lovely not to have to direct her to her Dad every time she wanted to turn upside down or run around.

Anyway, this weekend we make the first forays into birthday party season. She has two party invitations on Saturday: one for a soft play centre and the other for a rugby tots themed party, both of which require a parent to supervise and run around with her.

Luckily, my husband's football team has a late kick off so he can take care of the first party and I have friends going to the latter who will help me out with her. But I'm going to hate every minute of sitting on the sidelines and not being able to join in.

Still, a friend (who is having a worse day than me) just shared this on facebook to cheer herself up and I LOVE IT! A realistic goal to work towards, no?

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