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What a difference three months makes

I’m writing this latest update after a glorious week’s holiday down in South Devon and, as the title says, what a difference three months makes. Unlike the last holiday when I was frustrated by problems getting on and off the beach and not being able to play with my little girl properly, this break has been something of a homage to the progress made since then.

Admittedly, the beaches of South Devon didn’t have the same rocky walkways to access them that those in North Cornwall did but walking across sand dunes or pebble beaches has been no problem at all.

Gratuitous photo of an English beach in the June sunshine

In a bout of over enthusiasm, I actually packed my running gear to take with me (and it rightly stayed in the bag for the whole week) but after a couple of months run/walking in a straight line on the controlled surface of a treadmill, I’ve now taken my first running steps outside: chasing in and out of the sea with my little girl. Bliss!

We’ve been jumping waves, chasing each other around (yes, actually changes of direction) and splashing in and out of tidal estuaries. Seeing her eyes light up and hearing her giggle as I’ve been able to get involved and really play with her has been priceless.

I even felt confident enough to take part in International Handstand Day with her.

International Handstand Day

I had a go at this last year, coming up to four months after the revision surgery but as my ACL leg is my lead leg, I had to get up there kicking off the other leg (awkward) and balancing against the sofa.

This year, I managed to get up kicking off my natural lead leg and hold a half decent handstand without support. Result! Next up, cartwheels...

So, here we are with definite progress made.

Being able to start being the Mum I would like to be again while I was away is one of several factors that have come together over the last few weeks that have led to me feeling the happiest I can remember for a long time. Warm sunshine, stunning coastline and sea breezes are always my 'go to' places if things are rough (and if they're not) but feeling that 'active happiness' again has been fantastic (and conversely, makes me realise how out of sorts I've been over the last few months/years)

So, how to keep that going now?

Well, there’s still a way to go but ACL-wise I can see the next rehab steps:

I’m consciously working on flexion as I’m still over a hand width away from getting my heel to my backside and, therefore, being able to kneel down. That should make getting up and down from the floor easier too. I know regaining full extension is always the initial focus but I do find it weird that neither of my post-op physios have addressed this aspect as surely the aim is ultimately to get 'normal' use back??

I also need to work on hamstring strength on both legs since we’ve still done nothing on this really and I notice it as I don’t have real control going down stairs if steps are a bit deeper than usual or I’m trying to reach my foot with my hand for standing quad stretches etc.

Then there’s hopping, jumping, twisting etc. I’m hoping I can now start on some proper agility work – I am SO bored of nothing but quad sets, leg raises, step up/down etc.

And, of course, there’s the Running Down Dementia challenge: 20km down so far, 80km to go.

Finally, shifting the extra weight I’ve accumulated over the last 12 months would be great before the end of Summer too (I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that is a personal goal).

So, plenty to focus on. Hopefully I can have another few months without set backs and then we’ll really be flying.

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