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Rehab exercises

Since I’ve started back at the gym properly and am entering the next, hopefully last, phase of my rehab, I thought it might be useful to share the programmes I’m doing as we try to get back to ‘normal’.

I’ve reflected on my last post a bit re whether or not it’s fair but, on balance, I do think ACL patients are left with too much still to do and little guidance once signed off physio so, while *disclaimer* I’m not recommending that anyone follows exactly the programme I’m working to, hopefully the below will be helpful for those in a similar situation and I’ll update this page whenever we move things on.

w/c 14 August

Objective – activate glutes

Bosu squats 4 x 10

Bosu stepovers 4 x 10

Reverse lunges 4.x 10

Theraband side steps in squat 4 x 10

Leg press – feet together 4 x 15 40kg

Leg extension (single leg) 3 x 10 10kg

Hamstring curls (single leg) 3 x 10 10kg

30 minutes cardio – free choice

Cool down

Stretching and foam rollering quads, hamstrings and IT Band


So far, so good. I can feel the muscles working but no major DOMS so okay to go consecutive days.

We started the hamstring curls on 5kg, which frankly felt pathetic. PT reckons I’m being harsh on myself and should focus on the fact I’m starting somewhere. I’m less keen on that view, particularly being 18 months down the line but I’m towing the line, for now! By the end of the session we’d reassessed to make it 10kg on the revision ACL leg (as hamstring wasn’t messed with this time on that leg) and 7.5kg on the contralateral leg (as that’s where the donor tissue that wasn’t used in the end was taken from). One week in, I’m up to 10kg on each leg, and occasionally 12.5kg, when I don’t notice that the +2.5kg slide is still pushed in, figuring it must seem harder because I’ve been training consecutive days, before I notice. Whoops!

Anyway, two more weeks of this programme to go before we review and hopefully move it on again, so I'll update again then.

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