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Ice ice baby

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

Yesterday was Baby L’s 16 week jabs, which means it’s time for my own monthly update too.

In good news, my ab separation is down to around two finger widths, which means I can start adding impact to my workouts, even if press ups etc still need to be done on an incline. Who’d have thought someone would ever enjoy being able to do burpees again, eh?

At time of writing, it has been about three weeks since they were checked but I’d expect them to still be the same as I’ve been pretty slack about doing any Diastasis Recti physio of late: Partly because it makes me want to scream; and partly because life has just been so busy and I’ve been so tired that I’ve needed to cut myself some slack and that is what has gone. All being well, I’ll pick it up again in October, once I’m back at work and actually have some child-free time before 9pm each day!

So, back to the knee, which has been a mixed bag.

I’m sat typing this with ice on it, which tells its own story. It has certainly made its presence felt as I’ve begun adding some higher impact work to the workouts so I’m picking and choosing which variations I do during MummyFIT (e.g. burpees okay, twisting jump squats, one to miss for the moment). I also definitely need at least a day off in between sessions to let it settle down again.

A couple of weeks ago we did some shuttle runs, which were okay other than I noticed I really over favour the good leg, but I can work on that. We also did what I’ll call Spotty Dog Jumps (see video above), which weren’t so good, unfortunately. There is just no ‘bounce’ on the ACL side at all and I ended up with knee, hip and back pain during that interval (guessing that’s the remnants of the SPD too) so had to take that down to no impact, which makes you look even more stupid than the bouncier version!

Unfortunately I also tweaked the knee (read it shifted) during a warm up earlier this week (nothing more exotic than forward heel taps) and it has been pretty grumbly since. Yesterday I didn’t do anything more active than walking the mile to the doctors and back for Baby L’s jabs and when I went back to MummyFIT today (cardio accumulator and legs special) it was pretty wobbly. In particular, it doesn’t like being the trail leg for lunges – of which there were many – and I can really feel it shifting about inside. Yuck. So, for now, I’ll take it easy over the weekend, ice it as need be, and see where we are again next week. Hell, I may even do some quad sets. Fingers crossed...

So, time for the OKS and CKS scores:

13 September 2018

OKS – 34

CKS - 53

Notes – Pretty similar to last month, which is good. Hopefully it will settle down again over the next few days and we can get three good months in a row!

Walking – Generally good

Running – Painwise good, just a bit lopsided.

Jumping – Two feet up and down with no turning, good. One leg to the other, pretty useless

Stairs - Okay

Pain – Low-level night time knee pain most nights, currently sore in the day too but hoping that will settle with a few days off in a row

Swelling - As last month.

Range of Motion – As last month

Stability – Definitely feeling wobbly at the moment but no total give outs (which is good!)

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